When writing, we use an apostrophe and an “s” (like this: 's) to show that something belongs to or is closely associated with a person.


  • This is Peter’s father. ✅
  • This is the father of Peter. ❌
  • My cat‘s ears are white. ✅
  • The ears of my cat are white. ❌

However, for inanimate objects (not people or pets), use of instead of 's.


  • The end of the street
  • The street‘s end ❌
  • A picture of the eclipse
  • The eclipse‘s picture ❌


We can use 's with time expressions.


  • yesterday’s party, today’s news, last year’s conference
  • two hours’ walk, three days’ drive, one month’s salary,

When we talk about places or organizations, we can use both of and 's.


  • The decision of the country
  • The country’s decision
  • The prediction of the bank
  • The bank’s prediction
  • He’s one of Britain’s best chefs.

If there is a determiner (a, some, this, etc.) before the nouns, then we should use of instead of 's.


  • Some friends of Anna’s came to the party. ✅
  • Anna’s some friends came to the party. ❌
  • Some friends of hers came to the party. ✅
  • Isn’t that a friend of your sister’s? ✅

In cases where the person is described with a lengthy phrase, we typically use of instead of the 's to maintain sentence clarity and flow.


  • This is the child of the neighbors who live next door. ✅
  • This is the neighbors who live next door’s child. ❌
  • That’s the wife of one of my friends from Liverpool. ✅
  • That’s one of my friends from Liverpool’s wife. ❌
